Nell Holland: Post-Christmas

How many more cards with Christmas greetings will keep arriving? They were posted last year in the UK, and it’s now the end of January. Some cards are even postmarked from the end of November.

When I look at the postage-price Louisa paid for her card picturing a classic Nativity scene, I’m horrified to see it was posted on December 1st and cost the equivalent of almost AUD $8. That seems an obscene amount for posting a card, even if it was sent to combine festive cheer for us with her exciting news. Louisa would have anticipated the card welcomed with delight, displayed among other cards, with her words bringing joy. Instead it lies open on the hall table, the inked words drowning in my tears.

Her writing states simply.

“This Christmas will be magical. Philip is besotted and hardly put Ekaterina down since her 25th November birth. We’ve waited so many years for this – now she’s here and she’s just perfect! We already can’t imagine life without her. Ekaterina completes us, so come see us soon! Much love from this brand-new family!”

The accompanying photograph shows Louisa laughing at Philip who embraces her with one arm, while cradling Ekaterina dressed as a fairy, or perhaps an angel, in his other arm.

The Festive Season produces good memories and happy times, covering regrets and sorrows. Joy competes with sadness though delight never completely obliterates heartache. This is a layered time of year.

When Philip phoned this morning, it was almost midnight his time. He told us Ekaterina died in her sleep yesterday and there will be an autopsy. Louisa has collapsed in distress and is sedated heavily. He feels helpless, broken and in pain. The call ended when his weeping rendered him speechless.

An hour afterwards the post arrived.

With more late Christmas cards.

Published by burnsidewriters

We are a group of writers practicing our skills and developing our technique. Learning from each other and the wider writing community.

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