Anne McKenzie: Skin Cancer

‘I’ve got the results of your biopsy and it’s an unusual result,’ he tells us. Marie and I look at one another, faces grim. I’ve been on this skin cancer journey long enough to know that ‘unusual’ is not good. It’s going to be as bad as ‘medically interesting’ was the last time. ‘So it’sContinue reading “Anne McKenzie: Skin Cancer”

Edie Eicas: AI, Artificial Intelligence

I wasn’t sure why they asked me to do a psychology test before I bought that new fangled high-end, super-dooper fridge with voice activation, and the ability to predict what I needed. But, I was impressed by the salesman who sold the thing to me. Well, more than impressed. He was good. He worked meContinue reading “Edie Eicas: AI, Artificial Intelligence”

Don Sinnott: Dirac’s Lecture

Lectures—I’ve had a few. I recall some as soporific, mechanically delivered verbal sludge. Others had me hanging on every word from a skilled communicator. Yet one lecture I recall most vividly, although delivered in a droning style, had me on the edge of my seat. A group of theoretical physicists emerged in the early decadesContinue reading “Don Sinnott: Dirac’s Lecture”