
Burnside Writers Group

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Latest from the Blog

Jean Stewart: Double Trouble

He watched the group of tearaways move stealthily along the supermarket aisles. The retired policeman in him was sorely tempted to act. It was not hard for an experienced eye to spot their pilfering. Perhaps a creative outlet was needed for these kids. Surely some community program would be out there? Maybe he should become…

Donata Galluccio: Leaving Italy

I am so excited! Papa’ is leaving for America this morning. My older sister, Cristina, and I race ahead to the fountain intersection where the bus will take him and two other men to Naples to board their ship. At the fountain we look back at them walking abreast, each carrying a small suitcase. I…

Edie Eicas: Medea

I mull over the character of Medea. In the myth, Jason of the Argonauts goes to Colchis to retrieve the golden fleece once owned by Zeus a justification for stealing. Medea, the King of Colchis’ daughter, through her knowledge and magic, helps Jason. Her act betrays her father and her country and, as they flee…

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