Edie Eicas: Surprise

I’m a tabbie given to Andrew and Robbie by their mum when they were going through a hard time. They saw me when they visited a school friend and he showed them my mothrer and the litter she’d just birthed in his cupboard. I was the runt, the last one left and would be deliveredContinue reading “Edie Eicas: Surprise”

Lawrie Stanford: Timeless Tales Told in Verse—The Pirate

I went down to the pub one day, at the bar there was a pirate— at least he had the gear I’d say, so I asked him, had he hired it. ‘Oi’m a pirate, aye me ‘earty, that oi be—aye, well and truly, oi’m not dress’d up for no party, oi be a pirate—quite unruly.’Continue reading “Lawrie Stanford: Timeless Tales Told in Verse—The Pirate”

Lawrie Stanford: To Sled Or To Bed

With snow upon the ground outside, the boy leapt headlong on his sled, and down the hill at pace a-crackin’, delinquently, he quickly sped. He felt the wind as it blew by, there were no thoughts of fear or dread, but in his haste, he lost control, and crashed his cart into the shed. ThoseContinue reading “Lawrie Stanford: To Sled Or To Bed”

David Hope: The Fires Burn

The fires burn, the smoke thickens. Hotter still, the day quickens. Pushed by the wind, flames abscond. Sirens sound, firies respond. At the fire, hot work beckons. The fires burn, the smoke thickens. A wall of fire, massive front. Are we able to bear the brunt? The fires power, all consuming. Deal with this? We’reContinue reading “David Hope: The Fires Burn”

Sharon Apold: Dance with Dad

Beneath my hand I feel your shoulder bone Your smile is broad, careless, sweet I’m reminded of home Your step is neat Under my feet the floor feels grounding Your joy is open, blatant, obvious I’m almost crying Your dance oblivious Around my waist your arm holds tight Your eyes shine bright, clear, pale I’mContinue reading “Sharon Apold: Dance with Dad”

Lawrie Stanford: For Alvar, Aged 5

I’d hate to be a snake— when I’m trying to escape, I’d worry about my tail, left far back on the trail.   Sticking out there to be nabbed, far too easy to be grabbed, even if I’m ’round a bend, it’d be my sorry end! I’d hate to be a cow,  I’ll tell youContinue reading “Lawrie Stanford: For Alvar, Aged 5”

Lawrie Stanford: It’s the Spoof!

To the Editor, Guns USA Magazine; from Chuck (‘Spoof’) Gunn-Smith Jnr I am a proud Amerigun, and carry firearms just for fun. To shoot them little critters and keep them on the run.   I wanna be like my ol’ Pa, so he’s proud of his first son. He’s a good up-standing man, a gun-totin’Continue reading “Lawrie Stanford: It’s the Spoof!”

Lawrie Stanford: Timeless Tales Retold in Verse – On the Farm

Dad took us up to Angie’s farm to visit his older sister. He said we’d likely stay four weeks, it’d been a while and he missed her.   We were greeted there with bad news, ‘Feathers’ the fowl had just expired. No more cluck-cluck or peck-peck’n, she was old and had grown so tired.  Continue reading “Lawrie Stanford: Timeless Tales Retold in Verse – On the Farm”

David Hope: The Reader

The reader imagining they have been Transported away to places unseen Experiencing things dirty and clean Stuck in the mud with the African Queen Scoured from the sands by a wind so keen Washed by waters some clear, some saline.   Mixed feelings of fear, feelings of joy The freezing cold of an Arctic convoy,Continue reading “David Hope: The Reader”

Maarten van de Loo: Deaf sentence

Listen how this fellow, getting older thought he would never be in strife. Fit and strong and a little bolder,  having posted the decades up to five, he couldn’t hear his wife. ‘What is the matter now with you? listen!’ ‘Yes, I do, if you play too!’ ‘Ayeeeeh! What d’ya saaay?’ that’s the cry theContinue reading “Maarten van de Loo: Deaf sentence”