Roger Monk: Those Three Hundred Words

The other day, I was telling a friend about our Burnside Writers’ Group’s world-famous Three Hundred Words and he asked how I went about writing them.

Hmm, I thought, how do I go about it? What thought patterns and wide nets do I consider and throw out into the ether? Much the same as everyone else, I suppose.

Firstly, I ask myself what subject I feel like working with this time. Travel, romance, crime, comedy, downright rambling rubbish, history, psychology, geography, holidays, family, neighbours, the garden, my theory on relativity, stomach complaints, life after death, pets. how not to grow a front lawn, ancestors, our magpie family, philosophical ramblings, flying pigs or the discovery of mustard.

Having chosen one, I type it at the top of the page and look at it. Hmm, again. What can I say about it that hasn’t been said before? What slant will I take? What new leaf on the tree of time will interest those who sit in judgement?

Nothing comes to mind so I go and make myself a cup of strong black, no sugar, return with it and stare at the cup for inspiration. It steams back at me, soundlessly.

Perhaps I could start with a snappy quote or a ‘sit up and wonder’ question or comment like, “Have you ever been face to face with a bison?” That should arouse their curiosity or at least keep them awake.

But what after that, as they slide back in their chairs and count the water stains on the ceiling. A start is a start is a start, but only that.

Hmm again. Perhaps if I – no, that wouldn’t work. For one thing I don’t know anything about it and for another thing there isn’t much that …

Ah! 300 words.  Thank goodness!

Published by burnsidewriters

We are a group of writers practicing our skills and developing our technique. Learning from each other and the wider writing community.

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